Picture of Author : Ms. NIJILABANU


Date: 14.11.2022

Time: 9:30am onwards

Venue: School Campus

       Young India Public School celebrated Children’s day on Monday 14 November 2022, with great festive fervour, to commemorate the 133rd  birth anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. As Children’s day is celebrated to mark the birth anniversary of Jawaharlal Nehru, who was extremely fond of children, the programme clearly depicted the spirit of the occasion.


The children’s day programme had a series of interesting and exciting events, all planned meticulously for complete entertainment. The programme began with assembly, followed by an informative and inspirational speech by the Principal K. Annamalai, about the great leader, thinker, visionary and a true statesman –  Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.Children were blessed by our honourable Secretary               Mr. T. Sivashanmukam.


As a part of the celebration, students were given a chance to exhibit their talents in various fields. Students enjoyed the day With such a vast arena of cultural events and fun filled activities, it has proved to be a memorable day for our students. 

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