
Get to know us

We have State of the Art facilities that Nurture the Upbringing of Students with Wisdom & Real world Knowledge. We ensure the Comfort & Ease of Learning for Students by Providing the Best Facilities Possible.​

Our Facilities


Our Library

We have a State of the Art Library filled with Books from all over the World.
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Communicative English Training

Communicative English Training

We Train our students to be proficient in spoken and communicative linguistics skills with Cambridge Standards . One of the best accepted methods in the World.
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We have highly equipped labs for students to experience Science / Computers & Math. We also have Montessori Lab & Activity Lab to widen the scope of knowledge for the students.
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Audio & Video Rooms


We Use Interactive Smart Boards with Projectors to Better Educate our Students with better Audio Visual Representation.
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School Buses

We provide School Busses to Pickup and Drop your Children at a Location near you . We ensure their Safety and your Convenience.
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Wellness Room

Wellness Room

Maximum possible care is given to children during the school hours. A medical room has been specially formulated for this very purpose. Basic first aid facilities are provided for the students whenever required.
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We have State of the Art facilities that nurture the upbringing of students with wisdom & real world knowledge. We ensure the comfort & Ease of learning for students by providing the best facilities possible.

Facilities / Library

YIPS Knowledge house

A place where we house most of our Treasured Books. A Silent and Pristine place where you can concentrate and explore the vast ocean of knowledge.

We Provide our students an opportunity to read away from the school. Even when after the school timings are over students will get one book every week. We believe reading is the best way to enrich one’s soul.

Means to Knowledge

Libraries store the energy that fuels the imagination. They open up windows to the world and inspire us to explore, achieve, and contribute to improving our quality of life.”                                                                                                                                   – Sidney Sheldon

Language is the Most important Tool

English Grammar / Spoken English / Communicative English Training

Facilities / English

YIPS Language School

@ Yips your Child gets to learn the Most important Tool to Survive in Todays World. Language ! We help break the Communicative Barrier & Help your Child reach greater heights by Gaining Knowledge

Communicative English Training

Communicative English Training

We Train our students to be proficient in spoken and communicative linguistics skills with Cambridge Standards . One of the best accepted methods in the World.

A robust vocabulary improves all areas of communication — listening, speaking, reading and writing. Addition of vocabulary in their list will improve their confidence. We visualize a new word everyday.

Yips Knowledge Treasure is the project area where students explore different topics which help them to enhance their skills.

There’s nothing like a little healthy competition in the classroom. It motivates students and drives them to put forth their best effort. It sparks interest, passion and ignites a fire within.

Healthy competition “requires teamwork and positive participation. Participants are encouraged to improve themselves and learn a new technique. Winning is just an added bonus.” It keeps students aligned with the purpose and process while practicing good sportsmanship.

Facilities / Labs

YIPS Laboratories

Children are able to retain the knowledge for longer when they see the experiments being performed in front of their eyes. Lab equipment allows students to interact directly with the data gathered. They get a first-hand learning experience by performing various experiments on their own.
  • Network administered Computer Systems
  • Interactive Software Applications
  • Individual attention by Lab Facilitator
  • One System per Student
  • Creativity & Computational Focus.

“Experiment is the sole source of truth. It alone can teach us something new, it alone can give us certainty.”  – Henri Poincaré

Learning through experiments is the best way to learn science. At Young India Public School, we have very well facilitated Biology, Chemistry and Physics labs. Students and teachers use these labs regularly to have more in-depth knowledge and understanding of their relevant subjects.

“Mathematics is the key and the door to the sciences.” – Galileo Galilei

It is a place which is well equipped to verify various mathematical facts and theorems using a variety of learning tools. It inspires out of the box and critical thinking and provides a platform for students to explore math through concrete objects and situations.

Students are allowed to work in groups and make use of the material in the lab for a better understanding of mathematical concepts.

Montessori is a method of education that is based on self-directed activity, hands-on learning and collaborative play. In Montessori classrooms children make creative choices in their learning, while the classroom and the highly trained teacher offer age-appropriate activities to guide the process.
Activity rooms are designed keeping in mind the various needs of the plethora of activities provided by the school.

We believe that ‘Art’ is the form of an activity performed to express one’s inner self. Students are encouraged and facilitated for sketching and painting. The school is well equipped with separate Art rooms to lay emphasis on the needs of different age group of students.



We have highly equipped labs for students to experience Science / Computers & Math. We also have Montessori Lab & Activity Lab to widen the scope of knowledge for the students.
Facilities / AV Room

YIPS Audio Visual Room

Guidelines for using the AV Room    

Interactive learning

Learning Through Hearing and Viewing – Audio Visual Room

                   Our school has a fully equipped Audio Visual Room which simplifies learning through multi-media facilities. The facts are Explained to Students in an interesting manner. They can view presentations based on various subjects and other value based information.

Through these aids, the teachers are able to disseminate knowledge via movies, wildlife, documentaries, animated videos and talks by well-known and respected personalities that provide an insight into our country’s culture and heritage.

Pick up & Drop Bus Services

Students will be picked up in the Morning and will be dropped by Evening on said Locations. Their Safety is our First Priority.

Locations: Ichipatti, Samalapuram, Somanur, Karumathampatti, Kadambadi, Palladam, Sulur, Karanampettai, Thekkalur, Mangalam , Kaniyur, Rasipalayam, Sengathurai, Pallipalayam, Naduvelam Palayam, Sukkampalayam, Ayyampalayam.

Facilities / Transport

YIPS Transport Facilities


School Buses

We provide School Busses to Pickup and Drop your Children at a Location near you . We ensure their Safety and your Convenience.
Our network covers areas surrounding Ichipatti, Samalapuram, Somanur, Karumathampatti, Kadambadi, Palladam, Sulur, Karanampettai, Thekkalur, Mangalam & Kaniyur and other areas.
Facilities / Medical Room

For Emergencies

Wellness Room

Maximum possible care is being taken of children during the school hours. A medical room has been specially formulated for this very purpose. Basic first aid facilities are provided for the students whenever required.

The school provides Dispensary facilities within the school Premises. The dispensary serves all kinds of first aid, medicines and other minor medical services as per the emergency needs.

Wellness Room

contact us

get in touch with the school board


Monday to Friday

9:00AM to 4:00 pm


+91 93840 62852
+91 93840 62853
+91 93840 62855




2021 © Young India Public School

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